HELLO! My name is Jackson Stewart and I live in Carbondale, Colorado. I am a junior in high school and attend Roaring Fork High School half of the year, and ICL Academy the 2nd half of the year. The reason why I attend two different schools is because it gets pretty tough to golf in Colorado in the winter. :) I attend ICL Academy during the winter months so I can train and play in tournaments in other states. In the fall, I attend RFHS and play on the varsity golf team.

Golf became a passion of mine around the age of 5. I started playing competitive golf when I was 12. Golfers that inspire me are Rory Mcilroy, Justin Thomas and Tiger Woods. I practice 365 days/year in hopes to play golf in college and then someday on the PGA Tour.

I am constantly trying to learn every aspect of the game of golf, from the history all the way to the smallest detail of the swing. Practicing is not a chore. Practice and training is something I enjoy and has become a daily habit for me.

Growing up I have participated and played in a lot of sports and activities including, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, tae kwon do, swimming, skiing, boy scouts, youth group, mountain biking and go-kart racing.

Another passion of mine is learning to fly! Currently I am working on getting my pilots license and almost have 10 hours of flight time. I am hoping to finish the ground school and flight training this year.

Staying active, school, golf and family are very important to me.